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    Member Benefits

    ULP issue - if you have a ULP problem, (within 180 days) UPTO and our law office will assist you with the Unfair Labor Practice process.

    Life Flight membership - Starting in 2017, UPTO members and their dependents will receive this as part of your membership! A lot of our projects are in remote locations and we know that emergency medical transportation is very important. (no additional cost to the member)

    Damage Insurance - The government may charge you for damage you incur on a government vehicle in a process called "report of survey". Your auto insurance will not cover this expense, but the Union will pay for the damages up to $2500 if you allow them to represent you in the report of survey process.

    Legal Advice - Members can receive legal advice from the Union's attorney concerning employment issues asked through the Union's representational channels.

    Assistance with other matters - members can receive help with proposed disciplinary or adverse actions, Merit System Protection Board appeals, Agency Equal Opportunity complaints, Worker Compensation claims, and other statutory appeal procedures.

    Member Death Benefits - In the event of a member death, the Union immediately pays $3500 to the member's beneficiary. This benefit helps a surviving spouse or heir continue financially until other assets are cleared and government death benefits arrive.

    Rebate of Dues - This rebate is calculated using the employer's hourly rate at the time of retirement times the number of full years the employee has continuously been a member.

    Union Scholarships - Members' children and grandchildren are eligible to compete for the Union scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to two high school seniors, ($2000 each).

    Free Jacket or Hoodie - All members receive a very nice jacket or hoodie, complete with the UPTO logo, upon sign-up.

    Voting Rights - Members in good standing can run for office, nominate candidates for office, vote for Union leadership and vote on contract ratification.

    Union Pride - All members are entitled to purchase t-shirts and other apparel with the Union's logo.

    Peace of Mind - If you are a dues paying member of UPTO, you know that you are doing your part to support a respected organization that has been fighting for decades to protect, maintain and improve some of the best jobs in the Northwest.

    Our Additional Support - We will do our best to enforce all of the benefits spelled out in our Collective Bargaining Agreement, ... as well as any other statutes or laws that apply to your federal position or concerns.

    THANK YOU! to all the members before us and THANK YOU! for your continued support!

    Page Last Updated: Apr 13, 2022 (13:20:49)
  • United Power Trades Organization

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